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“I love it when I find mistakes in social posts and ads right after they go live,”
- said no business owner ever

Never feel nervous about hitting ‘post’ with this secret weapon!

Find out how you can communicate with confidence...

Does this sound familiar?

You’re scrolling through Insta and you notice a blatant spelling mistake or grammatical error. You think to yourself, “What a dolt!”

What was the post even about? You have no idea because all you remember is the mistake.

So how many people have had the same reaction to your posts? It may happen more often than you think.

Hey, we get it, you’re busy. You don’t have time to go over every post with a magnifying glass and dictionary in hand. After all, it’s just a small ad or short email. How many mistakes can there be? But, still…

Maybe that’s why you feel anxious every time you send an important letter or post that Facebook ad.

And you should.

A recent study showed that a single spelling mistake on a website can drop online sales by 50%. Another study found 59% of its participants would be less likely to use a service or product if the marketing materials had grammatical or spelling mistakes.

Here’s the thing, poor grammar KILLS sales.

But there is a remedy.

The secret to taking the worry out of hitting send . . .

Clean, effective, error-free communication is key to credibility and confidence.

In other words, the answer to bad grammar is good grammar.

Revolutionary, right?

One of our goals as a small business is to help other businesses succeed. With over 20 years of editing and writing experience, we have the expertise to deal with grammar emergencies so you can communicate with certainty.

We know not every business owner has the knowledge, money or time to dedicate to every little aspect of their company’s messaging.

And most copy editing and copywriting firms have project minimums.

That’s why we came up with a solution.

Introducing On-Call Editor!

On-Call Editor helps busy business owners with grammar insecurities achieve peace of mind.

This affordable, one-hour-a-month retainer service allows for project editing that takes only a few minutes but makes a real difference.

With a guaranteed 24-hour turnaround, you can rely on professional, prompt on-call copy editing services any time you need.

Here’s how it works . . .

Once you sign up for our program, we’ll have a 15-minute phone call to discuss some basic background, such as your audience, brand voice, style choices (e.g., Canadian vs American spelling, use of Oxford comma, etc.).

BAM! Now you have a post-proofing, prose-perfecting syntax superhero at your beck and call.

Whenever you need an extra set of eyes on your weekly Instagram posts, the occasional Facebook ads or your monthly newsletter, simply email us your copy.

We’ll let you know we got it and send the edited and optimized version back – often right away, typically by end of day, but for sure within 24 hours.

And just like that, the stress, worry and errors are gone.

No more grammar emergencies for you!

With On-Call Editor, here’s what you get . . .​
  • Prompt, easy access to professional copy editing help, so you can rest assured your copy will be clean and never end up as a viral mistake being laughed at by late-night TV hosts.
  • One hour of copy editing per month to use how and when you want. No minimums on project size or time means no more ignoring those little bits of copy that can make a big impact.
  • Same-day response and a 24-hour (or less) turnaround time. We’ll be there when you need us most – no stress, no worries.
  • Discounted rate of $79 (reg $90). It's never been more affordable to sound and read smarter.
  • Up-to-the-minute tally of time remaining. You’ll know exactly how much time you have left, so you can plan accordingly and won't get caught short-handed and red-faced.
  • No-surprise invoicing. We take the guesswork out of how much you'll be charged and when, leaving you free to spend your money on other (more exciting?...nah) things.
  • Flexibility with time shortfalls and overages, so no need to worry about using too little or too much time too soon or too late.
  • No long-term commitment. Try it for a while and cancel if it doesn't make sense to continue. After all, it’s not like we're cellphone-plan providers.
On-Call Editor is not for you if . . .
  • You’re looking for copy editing on your annual report or copywriting help with a sales page. (We can absolutely tackle those larger jobs. However, they would be considered one-off projects ineligible for 24-hour turnaround.)
  • You’re okay with occasionally losing business because you screwed up there/their/they’re.

But if you need prompt, reliable, professional copy editing and proofreading assistance on small projects, ads and posts, we’ve got you covered.

What is peace of mind worth to you?

Most professional copy editors charge between $70 and $95/hour. Experienced copywriters’ hourly rates range from $90 to $150/hr.

With Rock.Paper.Copy’s On-Call Editor service, you get the expertise of a copy editor and a copywriter for the low hourly rate of $79. (That’s $11 lower than our regular hourly rate.)

So why are we giving a discount of more than 12%? Every month?

We want to help as many businesses as possible put their best foot (or words, as the case may be) forward. We use the power of words to help others succeed.

When you sign up now, you can also expect this . . .

Because we care about helping others and want to get to know you and your business better, we won’t count the initial conversation against your first month’s time.

On-Call Editor makes error-free communication easy. And our 24-hour turnaround guarantee ensures you get the help when you need it.

We keep tabs on the time. Plus, our secure, automated credit-card payment options make billing and payments hassle-free.

We have a limited number of openings for this service to ensure we can fulfill all our clients’ needs and meet our 24-hour turnaround guarantee. So to secure a spot and freedom from word worries and punctuation problems, sign up today.

What next?

Simply click on the button to sign up for On-Call Editor, and we’ll be in touch by email to coordinate a time for the complimentary introductory phone call. Then we’ll get your account up and running for your first month of relief from grammar anxiety.


What kinds of documents can be edited? Documents may include, but aren’t limited to, social media posts, emails, blogs, ads, white papers, newsletters – typically shorter business communications.

What kind of things does the editing address? We check for typos and spelling mistakes; punctuation and syntax errors; redundancies, jargon and ambiguous language; errors or inconsistencies in styles, such as capitalization, use of bold/italics, numbers and symbols; passive voice. We also incorporate copywriting strategies, such as using second person and power words; targeting emotions; focusing on benefits over features; and using psychological triggers.

How long does it take for a response and to get an edited item back? You will get a same-day response that your item has been received. Projects sent before noon usually get edited by end of day. If the editing is expected to take longer than one hour on a single project, discussion will occur within the 24-hour time period and arrangements will be made. Projects sent after 4 PM are considered to have arrived at 9 AM the following morning.

Who keeps track of the time and when? Following completion of every edited item, we apprise you of the time left in your account.

How does the invoicing work? You get invoiced on the 1st of the month and set up for automatic credit card payments. If you prefer e-transfer, we can make that work, too.

What about time shortfalls or overages? Unused time carries over to the next month. Should leftover time exceed two hours, we can discuss pausing payment for a month or two. Any additional time exceeding one hour worked during the month is billed at $80 an hour, invoiced at the end of the monthly period, and payable by the 10th business day of the following month.

Is there any set time commitment? The service agreement renews automatically at the end of each month unless either party provides written notification of cancellation, for any reason, with 10 days’ notice. If proper notice is not provided prior to the month of cancellation, retainer fees are due in full for that month.

What’s in it for Rock.Paper.Copy? Stability, variety and the chance to work with you and your awesome business on a regular basis!

We do good work, but don’t take just our word for it.

“Nancy is efficient, curious, collaborative & creative. She sees the big picture and all the details.”
Marco Qaqish, Marketing Manager, Royal Roads University

“You’ve turned my not-so-good wording into something that sounds great! Thanks!”
Michael Code, Owner Island Interlock

“Thanks, Nancy. You’re always looking out for us!”
Lisa Janzen, Owner KC Interior Design

“Nancy’s intuition for understanding a client’s needs and communicating them clearly make her a valuable part of our business.”
Mark Jones, CEO, Union Bay Credit Union

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We're professional copywriters and content marketing specialists. We design effective on-line marketing strategies, create high-impact marketing copy and ultimately turn browsers into buyers.

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