The 12th annual running of the 12 Hours of Cumberland takes place Saturday, June 13, and mountain bikers are gearing up for one of the Comox Valley’s most anticipated bike races.
In the 12 Hours of Cumberland, hosted by the United Riders of Cumberland (UROC), riders of all ages and abilities compete to see who can complete the most circuits of a “fun for all” racecourse over a 12-hour period. Riders can compete in the solo category for the prestigious Twelve Hour Cup, or they can vie for a selection of equally coveted Beardsley Pottery mugs as a team of two or four in the male, female or mixed category.
“This is always a great event with a really fun atmosphere,” says UROC director Erik Holbek. “Our famous UROC Barbecue is going to be in full effect, and there are lots of great prizes to be won. And because you can’t ride for 12 hours without properly fueling your body, we’ll have some hearty, healthy snacks on hand to keep you going.”
Registration for the race must be done online by clicking the “THC” link under the Events tab at unitedridersofcumberland.com. The cost is $40 per rider, although kids under 12 race for free. All participants must be registered by June 12, and payment can either be made online or during sign-in on race day.
This year’s race will follow a new user-friendly route, with each loop starting and finishing at Cumberland’s No. 6 Mine Park and traversing some of Cumberland’s most iconic singletrack trails.
On race day, sign-in begins at 7 a.m. at No. 6 Mine Park, which will also be home to a lively, fun environment throughout the day for participants and spectators alike. Spectators are encouraged to cheer on the riders, partake in the jovial atmosphere and get their photo taken with past solo champion Jeremy Grasby. The race itself runs from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The United Riders of Cumberland is a non-profit society that promotes and supports the Comox Valley mountain bike community through trail work and advocacy, volunteerism, promotion of the sport and fundraising. To become a member, register for the 12 Hours of Cumberland or just find out more, visit www.unitedridersofcumberland.com.