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6 Ways blogging can benefit your business

Build trust, exposure and sales with a blog today


Got a business blog already? Awesome!

You don’t? Why not?

Don’t you want to get your business more attention? Don’t you like long- and short-term results? Aren’t you interested in driving targeted traffic to your website?

Tell you what, here are six great reasons to start a blog for your business. If you can come up with half a dozen good reasons not to blog, I’ll get off your back.

But before we get started on that . . .


What are blogs and blogging?

A blog (noun) is a website or page on a website that displays regularly updated informative content.

Blogging (verb) is the creating of said content. Typically short in length (say 400 – 1,000 words), it’s the writing of material that offers insight into an aspect or aspects of a specific topic, e.g. “How to deworm your dog without getting bitten.”

Business blogging is a marketing strategy intended to garner online attention for your company. Unlike a personal blog, it’s not a hobby. And it’s not a business itself, with which you make money from selling advertising space around it.

So how does blogging grow your business? Here are six ways blogs rock.


#1 Blogs increase search engine traffic

How do people find your website? Well, there are a few ways: they type in your URL, they type in your company name or they get directed to your website by coming across it through a search engine, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. These engines rank results by matching keywords that people have typed into the engine’s search bar, such as “deworming my dog at home,” with related web pages.

Every blog you publish creates a new “page” that gets looked at by the engines. The more content added to your site, the more chance a search engine will index you. Blogs improve organic search visibility, thereby increasing your site’s traffic.

And blogs do it in a way that keeps your site manageable and looking organized. It all falls under your blog tab, so your site doesn’t have 50 different pages for every aspect of your business.


#2 Blogging supports other social media initiatives

It’s okay to tweet interesting info about your industry, but it’s better to share stuff that directs people to your own website. Use Facebook to generate interest in and redistribute your informative and high-quality content. Plus, blog posts are ready-made content for e-newsletters.


#3. Blogs build your rep

Blogging is an effective way to establish yourself and/or your brand as experts in your field. By offering interesting and informative info regularly, people will recognize you as an authority. Trust and familiarity lead to good things.

And writing a blog can improve your own knowledge of a subject. It keeps you in the loop and makes you more observant of trends.


#4 Blogging reveals something about yourself and your brand

Not only can a blog show you know what you’re talking about, it can reveal what you’re interested in. It’s a convenient way to touch on areas of concern or issues of interest.

You can divulge some of your personality through your writing or tell people about special relationships or employees, etc.


#5 Blogs increase your leads and improve conversion rates

The more you blog, the more leads you get.

According to Hubspot (a big US web marketing company), businesses with websites that have 401-1000 web pages get six times more leads than those with 51-100 pages. Again, according to Hubspot, overall return on investment increases for companies who blog. They say businesses that prioritize blogging see a 13x increase in ROI, year after year. Want more crazy stats about how awesome blogging is? Click here.

And each blog post you write will still drive new traffic to your website even years after you have posted it.


#6 Blogging creates and facilitates discussion

By creating compelling content, you’re connecting with current and potential clients. You’re showing you are on the pulse and open to conversations. Blogging will allow you to start a dialogue, respond to feedback, use questions to add to your FAQs page and more.


So, there you have it. Blogging is pretty dang cool. In fact, we believe that blogging is one of the most cost-effective, result-generating, value-adding marketing strategies there is! And it’s applicable to almost any industry.

Don’t think you have the time to get blogging? Hire someone else to write them for you. Don’t have a budget for it? Write the posts yourself. Or do a combination of the two. However you do it, just do it! It’s worth it.


RP Copywriting offers online communications package that combine blogging, email marketing and even some social media and lead generation for one manageable monthly fee. Want to find out more? Visit or email!

And be sure to check out our blogs!

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