Women on top: Megan Cofield (middle L); Megan Penney (middle R) and Raida Bolton (bottom R) make up the new ownership team of BodyNetix Professional Fitness Training.
For more than 10 years, BodyNetix Professional Fitness Training has attracted a loyal clientele with both effective training and passionate trainers. Now, three of those trainers have put their money where their heart is, purchasing the company and formalizing their investment in the health of their clients.
Trainers Megan Cofield and Raida Bolton have joined managing partner Megan Penney in purchasing BodyNetix from founder Chris Ketch earlier this month.
“I can’t imagine three better women to take over the reins of BodyNetix, says Ketch, who decided to pursue new passions with his new wife Kendra during a recent round-the-world vacation – his first break from BodyNetix in more than a decade. “Each of them brings something unique and special to the table. With their combination of skills, passion and experience, you’re going to see a BodyNetix that’s successful on all fronts.”
“I was overwhelmed with emotion when Chris told me of his decision, because I was really looking forward to building the business with them,” says Megan Penney, BodyNetix’s longtime office manager and a partner since last year. “But it was also clear to me that I have an amazing team of trainers that I didn’t want to lose, and who would also make great partners. We’re all in different stages of our lives and have different strengths, but we share a love for fun, healthy lifestyles and fitness.”
Megan Cofield has been one of the Valley’s top trainers for close to 10 years and has had great success in fitness competitions. She’s worked with clients of all ages, abilities and goals, and her passion is helping people transition into a healthier lifestyle through nutrition, fitness and mindset.
Raida Bolton grew up on Vancouver Island before moving to Terrace, where she became highly involved in indoor and outdoor soccer and completed the Skeena River Relay five times. Three years ago, after returning to the Comox Valley, she celebrated her 45th birthday by running her first full marathon. An outdoor enthusiast, Raida says she’s excited to bring her love of fitness and healthy living to the gym she initially fell in love with as a client.
“We couldn’t be more excited,” says Penney. “We have a tonne of energy, but no plans on changing the great workout design that’s been delivering results for so many years. Chris developed a great system, and a great thing can’t be stopped! What we will be doing, though, is complementing those workouts with additions to the schedule, health and lifestyle coaching and lots more fun!
For Ketch, the transition is bittersweet.
“On one hand I have a group of amazing young women who have stepped up and worked together to purchase the business. They have a tonne of passion and I know that it will be a very successful partnership. But I also have to say good-bye to a business that allowed me to help so many people. It was a very rewarding time in my life, but I’m also very excited about embarking upon a new direction.”
For information on class schedules and more, visit www.bodynetix.ca or call 250-871-2400.