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Do Facebook ads still matter? Uh, YES!

The secret to writing ads that dominate the newsfeed It

How to write a cold email that converts

A winning formula, plus Dos and Don’ts to keep in

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How to write a killer cover letter

Get that interview with this proven copywriting strategy  You’ve got

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How to get more action

4 Tips for better CTAs  Buy now! Sign up today!

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How to write an effective essay

9 Key steps and an essay checklist  Ah, the dreaded

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6 Reasons your website needs fresh content today

Investing in quality web content pays Some things get better

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How to write a powerful paragraph

Hint: Start with a strong topic sentence A powerful paragraph

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We're professional copywriters and content marketing specialists. We design effective on-line marketing strategies, create high-impact marketing copy and ultimately turn browsers into buyers.

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