What do you get when you bring together a Realtor, a mortgage broker and a financial advisor?
In addition to the start of a really bad joke, you get the founding members of Next Wave, a business group that reflects the changing face of networking in the Comox Valley. Since arriving on the scene one year ago, Next Wave has indeed created ripples within the local business community.
With more than 15 groups to choose from in the local area, the Comox Valley is no stranger to business networking groups. From the start, the idea behind Next Wave was to be more than just another group based on member referrals. Creating solid connections and offering tangible benefits to its members has always been paramount for the Valley’s newest business group. Membership fees are invested back into promotion of the group and its members, and generating learning opportunities is a main focal point.
“Networking, like business in general, is always evolving and I think our group is a prime example of an association that’s keeping up with the trends,” say Darcy Lefebvre, Next Wave’s New Member Liaison. “Because our membership owns and runs the group, it’s easy for us to adapt to change. So unlike other groups that stick to the same formula year after year, we’re committed to continually adding new elements.”

According to Lefebvre, it’s those “new elements” that truly set Next Wave apart.
Like other groups, the inherent value of associating with like-minded business professionals is still a foundation of the 20-plus member organization, but learning and sharing knowledge, as well as developing a sort of support network within the group, is also a key benefit.
Each weekly meeting features a spotlight presentation and an educational component (organized by member and BMO financial planner Grant Powers) that typically comprises a 10-20 minute presentation on a specific business topic, followed by a roundtable discussion.
“We even have a plan in the works for members to present on some aspect of their business in order to receive positive, constructive feedback,” says Lefebvre. “It will be a kind of “Dragons’ Den” panel, only without the egos and the millionaires.”
Other member benefits include a free profile in the Inside Edge Business Gazette (a $150 value), promotion on the Next Wave website and other online and offline opportunities.
“We’ve really come together over this last year to benefit each other, and in the process we’ve also become good friends,” notes Lefebvre. “It’s a very casual, fun but focused gathering.
“The fact that we all actually look forward to getting up early and keep showing up to share ideas every week speaks volumes about the quality of the group.”
Next Wave meets from 7 to 8 a.m. every Tuesday at Courtenay’s White Spot Restaurant. To attend an upcoming meeting as a guest, contact Darcy Lefebvre at darcy@rpcopywriting.com or 250-897-5450. Learn more at www.cvbusiness.ca.