We had some pretty good ideas in 2015, and we shared many of them with you. OK, we’re a bit biased. But seriously, based on your feedback and the results we’ve generated for clients, we think we offered up some pretty good advice in 2015.
Here are what we feel were our four best marketing articles (and copywriting articles) of 2015.
Best marketing article #4:
The key to online marketing is great content
Everyone wants to generate more buzz, earn more traffic and generate more leads online. The secret to doing just that can be summed up in just two words: great content.
Providing useful, informative content that appeals to your target market is the key to getting the most out of your online marketing strategy.
Best marketing article #3:
How to write engaging sales copy – 4 tips
A copywriting legend of yore – was it Ogilvy or was it Caples? – once said he could write a thousand word ad and virtually guarantee you’d read every word. How? By writing on the topic “All About (insert your name here).”
If the topic of your own promotional writing is something that everyone finds just as irresistible, then you need no help engaging readers.
Best marketing article #2:
How to write a press release that gets published
Knowing how to write a press release is one of the best marketing skills a small-business owner can possess.
That’s because press releases (also called media releases or news releases) are one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business. They give you a chance at exposure in a variety of publications for a fraction of the cost of paid advertising.
Best marketing article #1:
6 steps to your best writing ever
People often compliment me on my writing. Sure, it’s mostly my wife and my mother-in-law, but still. The point is, great writing – however loosely you define that term – doesn’t flow from the keystrokes of enlightened scribes like so many lavender-scented rainbows from the backsides of flying unicorns.
Unlike unicorns, great writing isn’t magical; it’s actually quite ugly to watch.
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